Saturday, 12 December 2015

Research Rationale

My chosen music genre is Alternative Rock and I am going to conduct all my research on this, I have decided to use this genre as it is one of the main genres of music I listen to. Majority of people who listen to this type of music are teenagers, approximately between the age of 11-19 but other ages such as early 20s/30s may also listen too. The target group I have chosen will be teenagers as I am surrounded by them due to the fact that I am in a sixth form with 16-18 year olds. However as the school is from age 11-16 I will also conduct research using them through surveys that all students can take part in. As I am surrounded by my target audience my survey and research will be quite accurate but also conducted fairly. Asking this range of age groups will allow me to understand the types of music people listen to but also what type of music magazines people would buy.

The research I will conduct will include both qualitative and quantitative . The qualitative research will enable me to get a wider range of views, I can also carry out individual or focused group interviews or surveys using questions that relate to my target audience and chosen genre. For the quantitative research I will do a simple questionnaire or survey aimed at my target audience and get simple responses, this is an easy way of getting opinions but without the inconvenience of it taking too long to answer questions. From these types of research I will hopefully gain an understanding of what sort of appearance to go for on the magazine such as graphics, fonts and colours.

On top of this, I will also conduct further research by either using web 2.0 to find different types of magazines to analyse but also physically going into shops and either buying magazines to analyse and de-construct  or just taking pictures of them individually or as a whole. This will help me to notice what is common in a magazine and what works well or doesn't work well. I will take from this the best parts and ideas on the covers and use them to develop my own ideas.

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