Potential Choices
1. 2. 3.This image wasn't suitable I didn't use this image as This image wasn't
for my front cover because you can see a lot of shadows suitable either as
it is quite dark due to bad on the wall because the there isn't enough
lighting. I also think the lights weren't arranged space left at the
chair she is sitting on adds correctly, you can also see top for a title, plus
too much bulk to the image. the edge of a light. a light can be seen.
4. 5. 6.
I didn't use this image for This image didn't make I quite liked this
my front cover as I felt it the front page either as it photo but I felt that
was too dark making it stand was far too bright. The lights it wasn't natural
out less. Also she isn't all seem very white making enough, also there
centred well. overall photo hard to isn't enough space
look at. at the top for a title.
Final Choice
I chose to use this image for my front cover for a few reasons. The first being that I think there is a nice, balanced lighting as it isn't too bright or too dark plus there are no visible shadows. Also, there is enough space left at the top of the image for a masthead of a fairly large but reasonable size. I think she looks very natural in the photo which is good because it won't look awkward or false. She is holding a red book as my colour scheme involves a lot of red and this will add to that as the rest of the red on the page can link back to the photo. In this image she is very centred so the magazine will be equally balanced and won't look misshapen.
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