I asked a student at Norbury Manor, Anmol, for feedback on what she thought of my front cover and contents page. Overall she likes my front cover and said it was put together really well. She said the colours went really well together and are attractive because they're not too bright. Also she said that my text was very clear and was easy to read but she did say that some bits were hard to understand because of the image in the background blended into the words. When she looked at my masthead she said it was really nice because it stands out but also because the word 'proceed' relates to college as you're proceeding to the next level, in my magazine's case GCSE to A Levels. For criticism she said that maybe my colours could be a tiny bit brighter as some parts of the red are quite dull.
For my contents page she said similar things, such as the good colour scheme but she added that you can see the contents page relates to the front cover due to the same fronts, similar graphics and the same colour scheme. She also said that it was easy to understand as there wasn't much going on in the background to distract the audience from the words. She added that the images were nice and go well with the style of magazine. Then I asked her if she had any criticisms and she said that maybe I could change the background colour slightly as it is quite plain and as the front cover background is an image there is a slight grey tone to the background and she thought that maybe I could have added a similar colour as the background for the contents page.